
Monday, 20 April 2015

6 Things that matter in bed and at work

6 Things that matter in bed and at work
Whether it is your sex life or your career, some principles apply just about anywhere. Here are six virtues that’ll get your luvah knocking on heaven’s door, and you scaling up the corporate ladder.


Treat your man from time to time by slipping into some itsy bitsy teeny weeny lingerie. Before you react like a bra-burning feminist, try it; it’ll be a huge turn-on for you too to see yourself all sexed-up.
At work: Whether it’s turning up in formal wear or embellishing your e-mails and presentations in corporate mumbo-jumbo OD, remember that most people are superficial. And they’ll buy your packaging if you (act like you) believe in it yourself without overdoing things.


Do you know how to give without sexpecting? It’s a huge turn-on to lie passively and be ravished… for a change. If he’s been the one taking the initiative all the time and doing all the dirrrtty work, why not take charge for once? Tie him up if need be, but make it understood that this time’s all about HIM.
At work: You need to cleverly wear the mask of a selfless worker. Don’t forget to harbour expectations in the form of promotions and/or pay hikes but don’t wear your desperation on your sleeve either.

3.Selflessness: Do you know how to give without sexpecting? It’s a huge turn-on to lie passively and be ravished… for a change. If he’s been the one taking the initiative all the time and doing all the dirrrtty work, why not take charge for once? Tie him up if need be, but make it understood that this time’s all about HIM.
At work: You need to cleverly wear the mask of a selfless worker. Don’t forget to harbour expectations in the form of promotions and/or pay hikes but don’t wear your desperation on your sleeve either.


4.Team spirit:

I’m not talking orgies here; a team of two is good enough to achieve a lot. The pleasure of working together in perfect sync towards mutual orgasms and peaking together doesn’t compare to the I-me-myself-my-pleasure-first attitude.
At work: It goes without saying that you need to work with your team even if it comprises a couple of a**holes.


During sex and pre and post it, everything else must cease to exist — phones calls, text/mail alerts, the doorbell, etc. Lose yourself in your partner, and the two of you will enjoy the act like never before.
At work: While investing your time and energy in an important project, steer clear of time-sucking social networking sites and pesky jobless colleagues who need smoke breaks every half hour.


Don’t be in a hurry to take him there, and get there yourself. Take your time, go slow; better still, work towards climax and when you’re about to hit the roof in ecstasy, stop and start afresh.
At work: Wait for your efforts to bear fruit. And if your sneaky superiors take credit for your sweat, tears and blood, don’t get unnecessarily vicious. Consider the possible outcomes of your angry-young-womanish reaction and you’ll realise it probably better to wait a bit to diplomatically state the truth so that the said sneaky senior burns in hell.

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