
Friday, 17 April 2015

6 Signs She Wants To Sleep With You

6 Signs She Wants To Sleep With You 
1. She Compliments You
She actually notices what you wear much more intently. She also passes quirky comments like ‘nice bum’ or ‘your stubble feels good’.
2. She Dress To Impress You
When women know that they are going to get some action in bed, they usually dress to impress. She will wear revealing clothes, makeup, try a nice hairstyle and definitely wear hot lingerie
3. Asks You For A Coffee At Your Place.
You drop her off at her place and she asks you, ‘coffee?’. Don’t think twice, this girl really has sex on her mind. Don’t ask, just act on the impulse.
4. She Agrees For A Sleep Over
She usually insists on going back to her place but she surprises you by staying over tonight. This is surely a hint that she wants to take the relationship to the next level.
5. She Talks More On Sex.
Sex is usually a taboo topic with women. However, if you see that your girl is discussing sex in graphic details with no holds barred, then the chances are that you will get lucky tonight.
6. She’s Always Close To You.
There is a lot of room on the bench but she is sitting huddled together with you. The bike ride gets horny as she presses against you from the backseat. All these are signs that she is ready to sleep with you.

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