
Sunday, 19 April 2015

5 Hot Ways To Get In The Mood For Sex

5 Hot Ways To Get In The Mood For Sex
Here are 5 hot ways to get in the mood for sex:

1. Don’t wear panties (even if its just at the house) but especially if it’s out in public; a little potential voyeurism goes a long way. It literally takes all of 5 seconds to go commando.
2. Take a hot shower, remember the best sex you ever had. Then get out of the shower, and walk across the room naked in front of your partner. I dare you not to both be in the mood.
3. Take a naked nap. I get that naps are hard to come by when the kids are little but why not have your husband take a personal day and you both take a naked nap. You’ll wake up refreshed and ready to go with no kids to stop you. 4. Read some erotica. I know Fifty Shades made a lot of moms blush, in a good way. Why not download a “good” book of erotica, slip into bed, read for a few minutes, flip over and make your own Fifty Shades scenario? Sex isn’t just for celebrities and teenagers. How do you think you got to be in these dire parenting straits in the first place? You used to be good at it. Remember that.
5. Last but not least, if you’re having naughty thoughts about your partner don’t waste them. Text your partner an erotic descriptive play-by-play of everything you plan to do to him once you get him alone. If you really want to spice it up, send him a peek-a-boo picture of his favorite part.

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