
Saturday, 31 January 2015

French Police Interrogate 8 Year Old Boy for Praising Charlie Hebdo Killers

Charlie Hebdo Cover
An eight-year-old boy in France was interrogated by police after his school reported that he was praising terrorism.
According to Daily Mail, the boy named Ahmed,
refused to partake in the minute of silence held at his school to honor the victims of the Charlie Hebdo terror attacks.
Ahmed reportedly stated “I am with the terrorists.”
School authorities subsequently reported the issue to the police. The boy and his father were interrogated by the officers. When they asked Ahmed if he knew what terrorism is, he replied “I don’t know.”
Activist group, Collective Against Islamophobia, reportedly defended Ahmed’s actions, stating that as a Muslim, the boy meant no harm, but was only expressing that he was not in support of satirical cartoons of Prophet Muhammad in the magazine.  They further stated that his “I am with the terrorists” remark was just the little boy’s naive way of trying to express his feelings.
“Father and son are deeply shocked by their treatment which illustrates the collective hysteria that has engulfed France since early January,” the group said in a statement.

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