
Thursday, 22 January 2015

5 Things Every Man Need From A Woman

Sex & Relationships 
1. Appreciate Him.
There is no greater feeling to a man that that of being truly seen and appreciated for who he is by the woman he cares about. The trouble is a lot of women can’t see past the things he isn’t doing right.
And what’s worse is a lot of women will harp on a man over these things, which makes him less inclined to do the things she wants. Instead, it makes him feel like a failure and he will shut down as a result.
If you can genuinely appreciate the little things he does, he will go out of his way to do the big things as well

2. Respect.
Respect means accepting he needs certain things, even if they are in opposition to what you want or need. For example, when men get stressed or feel unbalanced, they usually like to retreat into their “cave” to sort things out. They don’t necessarily like talking through the problem and would rather work it out on their own and then come back into the relationship re-charged.
3. Encourage Him.
When a woman tells a man what to do, she is essentially emasculating him by taking away the very thing that makes him feel significant: his ability to provide. When you boss him around, he feels like a failure for not being able to do his job. Rather than wanting to do more for you, he feels defeated and  retreats.
4. Accept Him.
An ideal woman accepts him as he is and since she is so accepting and appreciative, he becomes a better man, a better boyfriend, completely on his own. She brings her best self to the table and knows by doing this, she will bring out his best self.
5. Men Want Women to Understand How They Communicate
It is no secret that the sexes express themselves in very different ways. One way of communicating is not necessarily better than another, though, and instead of judging men as poor communicators, women need to consider listening with an approach that may be different than their own.

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